History of pista

Discovered the PISTA breakthroughs and milestones that have been affecting human lives for more than 35 years.
Dr. Richard V. Thysell presented evidence for bimodality in the distributions of simple response times of single motor units to light. His study showed that lower mode consistently falls in the interval between 150 to 174 milliseconds while the upper mode falls between 200 to 224 milliseconds. The possibilities of equipment or procedural artefact and that bimodality reflected an alternation between brightness and pattern stimulus processing were ruled out.
Dr. John R. M. Goyeche and Dr. Richard V. Thysell conducted a study to investigate the form of the heart-rate response in anticipation of brief visual stimulus and to determine whether the form of the response changed over trials. Fourteen college undergraduates were exposed to 12 presentations of a visual stimulus which they were asked to identify. Half the s were presented with the stimulus every 10 seconds while recording the heart rate for each second during the anticipation intervals. The other half were presented with the stimulus for 15 seconds.
The results indicated that the cardiac anticipatory response in the 10-second group was triphasic. There was a slight deceleration followed by an acceleration and a deceleration of approximately equal magnitude. The response habituated during the last block of four trials. On the other hand, the anticipatory response in the 15-second group was observed to be primarily biphasic (acceleration-deceleration) and still appeared to be in the process of development by trial 12. The triphasic heart-rate response was interpreted as an index of the cardiac orientation reaction which habituated as a temporal neuronal model was formed.
Processing Inner Strength Towards Actualization (PISTA) was developed in parallel with PISTA by a group of professional practitioners in psychotherapy. Together with other research institutes, PISTA worked on applying their research in various neurological disorders with a focus on Alzheimer’s disease, anti-aging, depression, and neurotoxicity syndrome.
Dr. SC Wong and his team developed PISTA frequency and qigong research in healing sound.
The team applied research in energy disruption on the body energy systems to correct energy imbalances.Dr. Wong also studied how these methods can be integrated with mainstream medicine.
Professor de ski of Ecole Nationale de Ski et d'Alpinisme (ENSA) joined the PISTA research team and developed PISTA ski techniques.
In the same year, all cases that were studied under the PISTA research initiative were proven extremely productive and effective. The fluctuating symptoms of patients were monitored weekly through close communication and with the help of online tools.
The PISTA Institute was launched with the philosophy to stimulate the mind and create new neural pathways that will dissolve unresolved emotional pains and overcome thoughts that trigger fear.
Methods to retrain and re-pattern the mind were developed and administered by professionals from multiple disciplines of health care. Research began to focus on calming the mind, developing insight, and achieving clarity of living in the present moment.
The buddy system of support was also introduced in the same year to provide resources needed by patients round-the-clock. Support needed to master daily events throughout the recovery process and during PISTA treatment were made available on demand.
Since 2000, research studies on the application of sound and light frequency have been conducted for the treatment of neurological disorders. New methodologies in structuring the treatment with sound, light, and vibration frequencies are continuously being developed and applied for behaviour modification.